
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Women in Aerospace Europe

Women in Aerospace Europe


We are passionate about expanding women’s opportunities for leadership and increasing their visibility in the aerospace sector.


Women in Aerospace (WIA) Europe is dedicated to expanding women's opportunities for leadership and increasing their visibility in the aerospace community, by creating a Network in Europe and across the globe.

Our membership, consisting of both women and men, share an interest in a broad spectrum of aerospace issues, including human space flight and exploration, aviation, remote sensing, satellite communications, robotic missions, commercial space, space tourism, and the policy issues surrounding these fields.

Adres: Huygenstraat 44, Floor 2A Space Business Park Noordwijk, 2201 DK Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Stad: Noordwijk
Route: Huygenstraat 44, Floor 2A Space Business Park Noordwijk
Postcode: 2201 DK

op zoek naar gerelateerd: WIA Europe, Aerospace scholarship, Leading Ladies of Aerospace, Wia meaning, WIA scholarship
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