
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Euro Moon Mars ESTEC

Euro Moon Mars ESTEC


ILEWG EuroMoonMars field campaigns since 2008 in ESTEC, Eifel volcano & EAC, Utah MDRS, Rio Tinto, Iceland, Hawaii, La Réunion & @LunAres Poland in 2017


The SGAC Space Exploration Project Group will conduct a Mars Analogue Simulation in 2017 from
31st July to 13th August.
This Mission will add a surplus in knowledge and experiences of the group members, adds to current
research and development in the field of analogue simulations, creates a new team-feeling and identity
of the SEPG and it will provide students and young professionals their own research data, which will
be beneficial for their personal and professional developments.
Beneficial not only for SEPG, but also for the whole SGAC would be the opportunity for new
collaborations, outreach, inter-project-group collaborations, and to establish itself as an organisation
devoted to produce scientifically valuable data.
The PMAS team is highly international and interdisciplinary, consisting of students and young
professionals who dedicated their time, money, effort and their enthusiasm and love for science and
space exploration to the project.
Only when we all work together in peace, only then we can achieve the greatest things, only then we
can become a space-faring species, that moves on to explore and settle other planets.
We believe, that PMAS shows in small scale, that this can be done, if we all stand together.

Adres: ILEWG c/o Prof B Foing ESTEC postbus 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Stad: Noordwijk
Route: ILEWG c/o Prof B Foing ESTEC postbus 299
Postcode: 2200 AG

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