
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Veldhoven


Veldhoven is a municipality and a town on the Gender stream in the southern Netherlands, located just southwest of Eindhoven.TopographyDutch topographic map of Veldhoven, Dec. 2013Population centresThe modern town of Veldhoven is an agglomeration of formerly rural villages that in the twentieth century grew together to form one large suburban area catering to Eindhoven commuter needs. The villages are Veldhoven proper to the southwest, Meerveldhoven to the southeast, Oerle to the west and Zeelst to the northeast. A new city center was constructed between Zeelst and Veldhoven.EconomyVeldhoven is home to the headquarters of the manufacturer of high-tech lithography equipment ASML. ASML occupies the tallest building in Veldhoven. The municipality features a large industrial and office area along the Gender, which also includes the second-largest hospital in the Eindhoven urban region, Máxima Medisch Centrum.CultureThe yearly festival Cult en Tumult offers a varied program of art and culture in the broadest sense. Theatre De Schalm is near the City Centrum.The spoken language is Kempenlands (an East Brabantian dialect, which is very similar to colloquial Dutch).

Adres: 5500–5509 Veldhoven
Stad: Veldhoven
Postcode: 5500–5509

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