
Recensies, contactgegevens voor TU Delft Aerospace Engineering

TU Delft Aerospace Engineering


The Faculty is one of the largest of the eight faculties at TU Delft and one of the largest faculties devoted entirely to aerospace engineering in northern Europe.


It is the only unique institute carrying out research and education directly related to aerospace engineering in the Netherlands.

Through the years, the Faculty has responded to the increasing demands of the aerospace industry by further expanding its facilities and laboratories. It has also expanded existing aerospace engineering topics to cover important fields such as earth observation and wind energy. Today the Faculty has a student body of over 2000 undergraduates and graduates, about 250 members of academic staff and 100 PhD students. Around 25% of the student population has a foreign nationality.

The field of study is extremely broad and exciting. It is not confined just to the aerospace industry. Besides acquiring the specialist know-how you will also learn to work in teams, to make compromises, to search for solutions to complex problems and to communicate effectively.

The degree programme in Aerospace Engineering is the only one at TU Delft to offer a complete English-language Bachelor’s degree programme.

Adres: Kluyverweg 1, 2629HS Delft
Stad: Delft
Route: Kluyverweg 1
Postcode: 2629HS


Maandag: 07:00 - 18:00
Dinsdag: 07:00 - 18:00
Woensdag: 07:00 - 18:00
Donderdag: 07:00 - 18:00
Vrijdag: 07:00 - 18:00

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Beetje ver weg van de rest van de campus. Wel gratis koffie. 3/5
Mooie faculteit en ruime plek. Vriendelijk. Fijn dat er parkeerplaatsen zijn.
Toplocatie voor de studie lucht en ruimtevaart.
Fijne lokatie met goede parkeergelegenheid ook voor minder validen
Mooi gebouw met vliegtuig in hal opgehangen: gaaf!
Goede kantine!
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