
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Master Department 'Apollo'

Master Department 'Apollo'


The department organizes activities for TU Delft Aerospace Master students, with the purpose of getting them in contact with prospective future employers.


Master Department 'Apollo' is the newest addition to the Society of Aerospace Students ‘Leonarda da Vinci’. With the purpose of getting them in contact with prospective future employers, the department organizes activities for TU Delft Aerospace Engineering Master students, such as:

Case Studies: During a case study, students get the opportunity to gain some hands-on experience in the industry. Several employees of a company travel to Delft and guide the students in either a formal or an informal environment. Typically the afternoon or evening is closed off with a drink.

In-house days: An in-house day generally consists of three parts: a company presentation, a case in which you get an impression of the activities the company’s employees perform and a closing drink to get to know the employees of a company. This setup results in clear view of what is like to work for that company.

Presentations: The contents of each presentation can differ between insight into the company itself and some of the interesting projects they are doing. Furthermore there will also be internship presentations. During these presentations a couple of students will try to give you insight in how you can arrange your internship.

Casetour: The Casetour is organized once in 2 years and is a trip of a week to one of the largest European cities. This year the Casetour will take place in Berlin, in September. A group of 30 students will have the chance to visit high-profile companies active in the consultancy, banking or the technical sector to do cases and learn about the company's business culture by means of a dinner and a drink.

Business tour: The business tour is also organized once in 2 years and alternates with the Casetour. The tour is centered in the Netherlands. The latest Business took place in July 2014. During this trip a group of about 20 students visited 5 different companies in the aerospace sector, where they worked on professional cases and got acquainted with the companies' social atmosphere through dinners and drinks.

Adres: kluyverweg 1, 2629HS Delft
Stad: Delft
Route: kluyverweg 1
Postcode: 2629HS

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