- free app (iOS/Android) for truckers with over 27.000 truck parking areas. Join the largest European truck parking community!
Truck Parking Europe - Free app for truckers with a community of 600.000+ registered truckers and over 27,000 truck parking areas, containing officially designated motorway parking and other suitable truck parking spaces, e.g. in industrial areas.
Updated and assessed by a Pan-European Community.
Based on your location and your destination, the free app displays the nearest free truck parking spaces that fit in with your route and drivers time and match your requirements.
The app not only takes into account the data for official parking spaces but also suitable, good parking spots away from the long-distance highways.
Thus, you only park when it really is time to take a break and you park at spaces that are suitable for you and have been recommended by other drivers.
Become part of this community and benefit from the experiences of other long-distance drivers in Europe.
Download App für iOS
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More information: http://
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