
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Tilburg Model United Nations

Tilburg Model United Nations


Join Tilburg's newest society - The MUN Society! Debates, social events, delegations, trips, our grand conference and much more. Register at tilburgmun.com


A Model United Nations is a simulation of a committee session of the United Nations. Participants take the role of a delegate representing a country. They are to adopt ‘their’ country’s positions on a predetermined issue and defend these positions in a debate. However, an MUN session encompasses far more elements than the word ‘debate’ can describe.
An MUN is an ideal tool for participants to practice and gain experience in three important competences: public speaking, critical thinking and negotiating. The moderated caucuses require public speaking skills from delegates, since they will have to convincingly deliver their arguments. A well delivered line of argumentation can make all the difference between gaining or losing support.

Why should you join?
The main goal of this conference is to inspire and encourage our participants to become more international-oriented, and to “dare to care” to try to solve some of the most pressing global issues, even if it is only as a simulation. We believe that a conference like this would broaden the horizons of the participants, helping them discover the world of international affairs, and to discover their own abilities that will help them become tomorrow’s world leaders. We hope that after participating in the conference, our participants will be more aware of the importance of the decisions that are taken in the real conferences that take place in the United Nations Headquarters, and the impact that these decisions have on all our lives.
Taking part in a conference such as this one will give all participants some real-world experience: we will simulate what actually happens at the United Nations, allowing all our participants the opportunity to experience what real country delegations do when they perform their duties at the UN. We believe that this is a very unique and once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity, since Model United Nations conferences are available only at the High School and University educational levels, and of course, at the real United Nations at the professional level.
We have kept every detail in mind, and we will of course provide each participant with a certificate, so our students can add their participation as a delegate in this conference to their CVs. Being a delegate at an MUN conference is always a great addition to a CV, since it shows that the person who participated as a delegate has developed negotiating, public speaking and problem solving skills, especially if they have won an award.
This conference will be a mixture of work and fun where you will be able to put on display all your talents and where you can perhaps even discover new talents that have been hidden in you all along! Don’t miss this chance to show all your abilities as a delegate and a potential future world leader.

Adres: Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tilburg (gemeente)
Stad: Tilburg
Route: Warandelaan 2
Postcode: 5037 AB

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