Interested in starting a career in consulting? The RCC provides trainings, networking opportunities, case competitions, internships and much more.
The Rotterdam Consulting Club offers talented students unique opportunities to gain insights into the consulting industry and a practical understanding of the profession’s challenges, while at the same time providing insight of how to develop the skills necessary to begin a career in Management and Strategy Consulting.
With trainers from the biggest strategy consulting firms in the world, we aim to provide services to both Dutch and International students in Rotterdam. Through full day trainings, networking events, in-house days, case competition trainings, and internships, we the RCC strive to provide you with all the skills you need to begin your career.
So if you would like to learn to crack case interviews, or would like to have a BCG consultant give you one on one feedback about your analytical skills, or solve and present tough cases to a jury of professors, directors and consultants, the RCC is the one stop solution for your career needs.
Write to us at for more information.
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