
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Pralaya Yoga Studios Delft

Pralaya Yoga Studios Delft


Pralaya Yoga increases strength and flexibility rapidly.


Pralaya Yoga classes are a physical challenge to increase strenghts and flexibility and to prevent injuries. By applying anatomical knowledge to yoga, a series of logical steps (and non-traditional poses) arise to arrive at advanced yoga postures.

Pralaya Yoga focusses on lengthening the spine, recruiting 'forgotten muscle groups' and the proper alignment of joints. Antagonists are essential: two groups of muscles that wrap around a joint at a different side. When one muscle group contracts, the other group is released.

When a joint is out of balance, the tone of the muscle groups on both sides of the joint is not equal. Pralaya Yoga strengthens the weakest muscle groups. This balances the joints in the long term, prevents injuries and let the energy flow (also to your brain!).

Curious how your body really works? Come and join in!

Adres: Patrijsweg 12, 2289 EX Rijswijk (Zuid-Holland)
Telefoonnummer: 0624918780
Stad: Rijswijk
Route: Patrijsweg 12
Postcode: 2289 EX


Maandag: 20:30 - 22:00
Dinsdag: 07:00 - 08:30

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Pralaya Yoga rooster, Momoyoga pralaya yoga, Pralaya Yoga rotterdam, Pralaya Yoga opleiding
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