
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Lieke Anna

Lieke Anna


Fotonale 2018 2nd | Canon Grand Prix 2017 Finalist
Conceptual, storytelling creator who turns human vulnerability and strength into painterly imagery


Lieke Anna is a fine art photographer based in Tilburg, the Netherlands. Breskens

​She is a graduate of the School of Arts with a degree in Visual Communication and has been working as a professional photographer ever since.

Telling stories through imagery, Lieke Anna explores the conceptual way of creating and storytelling through her work. Creating from within and evoking emotions of the viewer to show that vulnerability is a strength.

​Her images tend to be on the darker side, a little surreal at times and fairy-tale looking with a painterly feel to it.

All her work is available for purchase as a print or to be licensed.
For more information: [email protected]

"Lieke Anna is beeldend kunstenaarGeboren in 1988 Breskens,NederlandStudeerde in 2011 af aan de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg​Als zelfportret-kunstenaar onderzoekt ze de fragiliteit en kracht van de mens.Ze zoekt een vorm in de fotografie waarmee je kunt schilderen.Zet haar personages in een open ruimte die als een spiegel dient voor onze binnenkant."
Stad: Tilburg

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