
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Instituut voor Doven


The Instituut voor Doven was a Dutch institution and education for deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind children, founded in 1840 by the priest Martinus van Beek and the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary and Joseph. Van Beek gave from 1828 religion classes at four Gemert deaf through sign language, script and manual alphabet. The motive for this was the teaching of Catholic religion, otherwise illiterate deaf never would take knowledge of scriptures like the Bible. In 1844, the Host

Adres: Sint-Michielsgestel
Stad: Sint Michielsgestel

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Museum doveninstituut, Doven Museum, Dovenschool Nederland, mgr. terwindtstichting, Eerste dovenschool Nederland, Geschiedenis dovenonderwijs, Geschiedenis Kentalis, Hallo ons Sint-Michielsgestel
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