
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Expat Centre Leiden


The Expat Centre Leiden (ECL) offers government services, information and provides a network for internationals living or working in the Leiden region.


The Expat Centre Leiden provides a warm welcome to expats who live and work in the Leiden region. We will help you with registration and BSN and find answers to questions about the issues you will deal with when settling in the Netherlands. Our dedicated expat officers will answer your questions and offer you advice on a wide range of topics. You can email your questions to [email protected] or visit the Expat Centre Leiden at the Visitor Centre (Stationsweg 26, Leiden).

The Leiden area is a booming knowledge region. It is home to the Leiden University, the Leiden Bio Science Park, the aerospace cluster, the floral industry and the international institutes in The Hague. Apart from offering challenging jobs, the Leiden region is an excellent location for living and recreation.

For questions, please walk in without an appointment!
For registrations an appointment is required. Go to our website to make an appointment.

"Expert advice, services and guidance for international employees and organisations in the Leiden region."
Adres: Stationsweg 26, 2312 AV Leiden
Telefoonnummer: 0715166005
Stad: Leiden
Route: Stationsweg 26
Postcode: 2312 AV


Maandag: 09:00 - 17:00

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Vertaald door Google Ze vroegen me om te betalen voor registratie, ik geloof dat ik moet worden vrijgesteld van het betalen van vergoedingen zoals vermeld op hun website. Ze konden me geen redelijke reden geven waarom ik moet betalen, hoewel op hun eigen website duidelijk staat dat ik niet hoef te betalen! Werk uw informatie op uw website bij als er wijzigingen zijn in uw service. Origineel They asked me to pay for registration, I believe I should exempted to pay fees as it stated in their website. They couldn't give me any reasonable reason why I have to pay, though it clearly states on their own website that I don't have to pay! Please update your information in your website if there's any changes on your service.
Vertaald door Google Snel, to the point en behulpzaam. Werk gedaan op de meest soepele manier mogelijk. Origineel Quick, to the point and helpful. Work done in the most smoothest way possible.
Vertaald door Google Zeer goede en vriendelijke service tijdens openingstijden.. Origineel Very good and friendly service during opening times..
Vertaald door Google Zeer aardige en behulpzame mensen! Geweldige diensten! Origineel Very nice and helpful people! Great services!
Vertaald door Google De plek is goed bereikbaar vanaf station Leiden Centraal. Origineel The place is easily accessible from the Leiden Central station.
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