
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Business is a matter of People

Business is a matter of People


People do business with People they know, they like and trust!



My vision is to create a world in which people are really considered the keystone in organizations.
A world in which managers become authentic leaders and make wise decisions by connecting their compassion, creativity and courage.

My mission is to guide individuals and organizations on the path to business wisdom where people can find answers to the following crucial questions:

✪ Who am I? ► IDENTITY
✪ Where am I going to? ► VISION
✪ Why do I do what I do? ► MISSION
✪ What do I think? ► VALUES & BELIEFS
✪ What am I good at? ► CAPACITIES & TALENTS
✪ Do I care for other people's situation & feelings? ► EMPATHY
✪ Am I capable to do something? ► SELF-CONFIDANCE
✪ Do I realize what I am doing? ► AWARENESS
✪ How am I doing things? ► BEAVIOUR
✪ Do I want to do what I am doing? ► WORK MOTIVIATION & ATTITUDE
✪ Can I work with others? ►INTERACTION & TEAM SPIRIT
✪ How fair am I towards myself & others? ► BUSINESS ETHICS & INTEGRITY

My willl is to inspire and motivate individuals to capitalize on their talents & expertise
so that they can unfold their own self and thereby put more enthusiasm & passion in their work and private lives.


✔ Communicator (public speaking)
✔ Motivator
✔ Inspirator
✔ Leadership
✔ Decoder of people’s behavior
✔ Innovator's mind
✔ Pioneer | Builder mentality
✔ Win/Win mentality
✔ Languages: Dutch | French | English | Spanish
✔ Multi cultural (French & Dutch citizen)


Specialties (for individuals & groups)
⦁ Corporate Trainings
⦁ Leadership Coaching
⦁ Performance Coaching
⦁ Executive Coaching
⦁ Organization Development & Change
⦁ Profiling
⦁ International Business Development & Business Strategy
⦁ Corporate Trainings Business building
⦁ Inspirational Speaker

Experience shows that people and businesses that connect with others prosper
Whereas those that don't struggle…

As an Accredited iMA Practitioner, this is an area where we have a high level of expertise and I am very excited about our ability to teach this fundamental business and life skill to others, helping them to connect, survive and prosper in the fast pace changing world.

Visit my Linkedin profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emmanuelkuehn

Discover here your iMA cloud style: http://iMA-WisePoint.eu

Telefoonnummer: +31 164 233 210
Stad: Hoogerheide

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