
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Alex Stalenberg

Alex Stalenberg


Dutch origin. His imaginative world of sculptures and analysis drawings CoBrA movement and pre-Colombian Art were bases for his sculptures & Ikebana for his drawings.


Alex Stalenberg's NEW MYTHOLOGIES & WORLDS OF FEELINGS. " It is the object in Art that interests me at the moment and the attachment of the human being to it."
============================ ALEX STALENBERG Organizer, collector, Artist.was born 1955 in the town of Bakkum/Castricum, the Netherlands. secondary school Alex followed the School of Horticulture to become à Landscape architect. He states that his early inspiration by nature is one of the main influence for his works and today's research of new harmonies. Ikebana has been an inspiration for their symbolisms and his simple lines drawings. Ancient Art and Pre-Columbian Art were first sources. CoBrA movement, Henry Moore, Ossip Zadkine but also Amsterdam’s town sculptor Hildo Krop have been earlier sources. He moved to France in 1985. He realised numerous sculptures, assemblies, installations, drawings and wall paintings but also photographies in France and abroad. Often the DaDa was mentioned in link to his drawings and paintings He started expressing himself in sculpting and drawings at the age of 12. He made part of artists movements in Paris, New-York and Berlin and has been the co-founder over several Art projects and mega "Multi-Art" spaces. He rallied through his participation and foundation of several Artist movements for a better integration of Artists and Art in today's society. In 1997 he moved the French region of Poitou-Charentes, where he has been invited to work as an artist in several schools. Many exhibitions in France and abroad took place, quite often on unexpected places."Bringing Art to the people" is one of his DaDa's. He received several orders for monumental sculptures. And also monumental symposia pieces are realised. Alex is an active philosopher and considers his Artwork as his "Reflection base". The recent aspect of his stone sculptures talk about tactility and multiple - positions with 360º views. His drawings, photographies and writings are presented as well in separate or combined exhibitions with his sculptures. In September 2008 Alex moved to the north of Germany and in October 2010 back to the Netherlands where he is actually living. Many of his works entered in private collections worldwide.
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"Beeldend vormgever. Onderwijs realisaties in volumes. Openbare ruimte projecten. Onderwijs. Tentoonstellingen. Inrichtingsadvies. Kunst selectie."
Adres: Herenweg 63 B-19, 3645DG Vinkeveen
Telefoonnummer: 0031297547098
Stad: Vinkeveen
Route: Herenweg 63 B-19
Postcode: 3645DG

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