
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Zundert (gemeente)


Zundert is a municipality and town in the south of the Netherlands, in the province of North Brabant.HistoryThe origin of the town of Zundert is like that of many others, very unclear. The name is first encountered in a certificate dating from 1157, in which the Bishop of Liege, confirms a donation from the place "Sunderda". This Sunderda actually relates to the current settlement of Klein-Zundert (Dutch for Small Zundert), one of the first settlements in the area. The local monks, besides their religious labour, were also involved in clearing the land, that was still rough territory, filled with swamps, peats and heath fields. The monks also assisted in improving agricultural methods.Zundert is still surrounded by a rural environment with beautiful nature areas, one of them is the "Buissche Heide", a magnificent heath area with unique walking possibilities. The Kalmthoutse Heide, across the border with Belgium, is also in the vicinity.Zundert, Achtmaal, Wernhout and Klein-Zundert were liberated on October 27, Rijsbergen on October 28. Achtmaal was liberated by the 415th Infantry Regiment of the US 104th (Timberwolf) Infantry Division, Zundert and Klein-Zundert by the 413th Infantry Regiment of the 104th (Timberwolf) Infantry Division, and Wernhout and Rijsbergen by the 414th Infantry Regiment of the 104th (Timberwolf) Infantry Division.At a small distance from the town, an old tavern called "In Den Anker" can be found, which has the oldest license in the Netherlands. It originally dates from 1635, but was rebuilt in 1913.

Adres: Zundert (gemeente)
Stad: Zundert

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