
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Zuidhorn


Zuidhorn is a municipality and a town in the northeastern Netherlands. Due to a municipal reoganisation in 1990, Zuidhorn was extended when it merged with, though not physically connected to Oldehove, Grijpskerk and Aduard. The town largely depends on the city of Groningen. A railway line, operated by Arriva, connects the town with Leeuwarden in Friesland and Groningen.TransportZuidhorn has two train stations: Zuidhorn and Grijpskerk. At least once an hour a train runs between Groningen and Leeuwarden. On weekdays, trains stop twice an hour in Zuidhorn. Until 1991 there used to be a third station on this line, Visvliet.NatureIn the center of Zuidhorn, lies a large, partly wooded park called "Johan Smit Park". It offers a wide variety of recreation, open to the public, based on trails. The "Quick Silver S" is the main sport hall, hosting many activities such as a running clubs, and other sports. Nearby, the park has numerous soccer fields and a playground. For most of the year, docile highland cattle roam the park.WierdenThere is a dense concentration of terps, better known as wierden, artificial dwelling hills, in the area Middag-Humsterland. In 1995, this collection of wierden was submitted to UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites. The property is currently on the tentative list.

Adres: Parts of 9800 range Zuidhorn
Stad: Zuidhorn
Postcode: Parts of 9800 range

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