
Recensies, contactgegevens voor ZeeZout






ZeeZout & SALT

ZeeZout is a young Dutch company focused at events in the (underground) house music. A strong belief in music as common ground between people leads ZeeZout as a growing brand in the Dutch electronic music scene.

“to connect and educate friends through music”

What started out as a small get-together for friends at the beach of Scheveningen developed into a growing family of events in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Delft and Scheveningen. Leaving the narrow commercial scope of many other event organisers ZeeZout wishes to connect and educate people through music. An ambitious, yet stimulating goal for the young entrepreneurs.

With their different events throughout the Netherlands and newly found bookings agency the guys are striving to build a strong brand in house music, both through earning the trust and love of new clubbers as through further creating its own path in music.

Next to throwing parties the ZeeZout crew is now a full blown artist agency SALT hosting resident dj’s and one very gifted graphical artist.

Erik Sebastiaan | Halve Soul | Nachtbraker | L'Atelier | LIFE on MARS | Tijn Benedek | Steef van Velzen

Bookings request:
[email protected]

Adres: Doctor Jan van Breemenstraat 1, 1056 AB Amsterdam
Stad: Amsterdam
Route: Doctor Jan van Breemenstraat 1
Postcode: 1056 AB

op zoek naar gerelateerd: zeezout 2018, zeezout tivoli, zeezout festival 2018, zeezout festival 2019, zeezout kopen, zeezout 5 mei, zeezout 2019, zeezout ah
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