
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Zaanstad


Zaanstad is a municipality in the Netherlands, in the province of North Holland, situated northwest of Amsterdam. Its main city is Zaandam. It is part of the conurbation and metropolitan area of Amsterdam. It had a population of inPopulation centresThe municipality of Zaanstad is also mainly a conurbation itself and consists of the following cities, towns, villages and/or districts: Assendelft, Koog aan de Zaan, Krommenie, Westzaan, Wormerveer, Zaandam, Zaandijk. However, being surrounded by countryside and due to its relatively protracted shape that follows the river Zaan, a rural atmosphere is always nearby.Railway Stations in the Zaanstad Area Koog Bloemwijk railway station Koog-Zaandijk railway station Krommenie-Assendelft railway station Wormerveer railway station Zaandam railway station Zaandam Kogerveld railway station

Adres: Parts of 1500 range Zaanstad
Stad: Zaanstad
Postcode: Parts of 1500 range

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