
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Zaandijk


Zaandijk is a town in the Dutch province of North Holland. It is a part of the municipality of Zaanstad, and lies about 11 km northwest of Amsterdam.Zaandijk has a population of around 9040.HistoryThe first citizens of Zaandijk were members of the family of Hendrik Pietersz who moved into 'de Lage dijk' in the year 1494. De Lagedijk still exists in Zaandijk. In 1570 the town consisted of 19 houses. These dwellings were burned by the Spaniards in 1572, during the Eighty Years' War. The town began to prosper and grow following the return of the populace.Zaandijk was a separate municipality until 1974, when it became a part of the new municipality Zaanstad.

Adres: Zaandijk
Stad: Zaandijk

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