
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Workum


Workum is a city in the municipality Súdwest-Fryslân in Friesland. It received city rights in 1374. It currently has around 4000 inhabitants.OverviewToday, Workum is probably best known for having a museum dedicated to the very popular artist Jopie Huisman. Furthermore, it is one of the eleven cities of the Elfstedentocht. There are four windmills in Workum; De Nijlânnermolen, De Snip, Het Heidenschap and Ybema's Molen.PhotogalleryBorn in Workum Aeint Herman de Boer, Dutch businessman who was the owner of Hotel de Boer in Medan, Dutch East Indies Hotze Koch, 22 October 1867, founder of the Quanah Tribune-Chief newspaper Kim H. Veltman (born 1948), Dutch/Canadian historian of science Sybrand Buma (born 1965), Dutch politician Jopie Huisman (born 1922), Dutch artist

Adres: Workum
Stad: Workum

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