
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Wonderfeel



Wonderfeel is a new festival for classical music, offering high-quality for broad audiences. Located at ‚The Schaep en Burgh’ estate in the Netherlands.


Wonderfeel is an innovative festival, offering high-quality music for broad audiences. The beautiful scenery of ‚The Schaep en Burgh’ estate is an integral part of the concept. ensuring that all your senses are stimulated.

Against a background of singing birds and fragrant shrubs Wonderfeel offers a new podium for classical music in all its guises. Boundaries between performers and audiences dissolve, generating an experience with minimum thresholds without doing any concessions to quality or integrity.

Wonderfeel is synonymous with a sense of paradise. This locus amoenus derives its wonderful character from the combination of nature and music, of course, but the atmosphere is due also to the way the estate is furnished, to the catering offered and to the overnight tents available. It is characteristic of Wonderfeel that the right circumstances are created for a relaxed dialogue between musicians, foresters, catering staff and of course the festival’s public. And this may be in front of the podium as well as somewhere aside - or even behind the scenes.

Adres: Noordereinde 60, 1243 JJ 's-Graveland (Noord-Holland)
Stad: 's-Graveland
Route: Noordereinde 60
Postcode: 1243 JJ

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@Wonderfeel op landgoed Schaep en Burgh. Genieten van het optreden van The Kanneh-Masons.
We waren wat huiverig om te gaan maar wat was dit uitstekend georganiseerd! Complimenten! Fijn dat het weer kon om in de gemoedelijke sfeer die jullie creëren te luisteren naar diverse klassieke muziek. Al vond ik vanzelf niet alle muziek even mooi, het was ontspannen genieten en wederom zeer de moeite waard.
Altijd een feest om daar te zijn
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