
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Vrouwenheide


The Vrouwenheide is a hill in the Netherlands and former heath land, just south of Ubachsberg in the municipality of Voerendaal. With a height of 218 metres above NAP it is one of the highest points in the European part of the Netherlands.GeologyThe area is made up out of inliers and outliers. The Vrouwenheide is the highest point of the plateau of Ubachsberg. Between 1 and 2 million years ago it was part of the island of Ubachsberg in the Meuse river.With a height of 218 metres above NAP it is one of the highest point in the European part of the Netherlands. It was long believed that this was in fact the highest point in the Netherlands, because from the top you can see over the top of the Vaalserberg, to see the even higher hills from the German Eifel.BuildingsOn the Vrouwenheide are several national monuments. Windmill Op de Vrouweheide, build in 1858, is located at 216 meters above Amsterdam Ordnance Datum, and build on an artificial hill to catch even more wind. As such it is the highest windmill in the Netherlands. The Bernardushoeve is a farmhouse build in the early 19th century and currently a restaurant. In the forest on the Vrouwenheide the remains of an old watchtower can be found.ActivitiesThe Vrouwenheide has a lot of walking routes and biking routes pass through and is also home to a farmer's golf course. The Vrouwenheide is part of the Mergellandroute, a tourist route for cars and bikes through South Limburg, Netherlands, mapped out by the ANWB. Due to the hills, the Vrouwenheide and surrounding areas are part of the Amstel Gold Race, a road bicycle race. As such it was also part of the 2006 Tour de France (stage 3).

Adres: Voerendaal (gemeente)
Stad: Voerendaal

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