
Recensies, contactgegevens voor VDL Agrotech

VDL Agrotech


VDL Agrotech (part of VDL Groep) manufactures and supplies equipment for the intensive modern livestock industry, for 50 years.


VDL Agrotech (part of VDL Groep) manufactures and supplies equipment for the intensive modern livestock industry, for more than 50 years. The product range comprises feeding and drinking systems, climate control and, cooling and drying systems. VDL Agrotech is specialised in turnkey projects.

Specialist in engineering

Engineering projects is our specialty. VDL Agrotech designs, supplies and builds complete turnkey projects worldwide. From detailed engineering until complete erection of delivered equipment. All projects are designed in accordance with the local climatical circumstances to best meet the needs of the customer. The erection of the project is done under the supervision of a VDL Agrotech skilled supervisor, who takes care of correct erection and installation of delivered equipment. The supervisor always works together with a local group of technicians to ensure correct installation and train a local crew of technicians for maintenance of the delivered equipment.

Direct access to production facilities

VDL Agrotech has direct access to the most modern production facilities available, where a big part of the VDL Agrotech products are being manufactured. The VDL Groep includes companies specialised in metal working but also in plastic injection moulding as well as assembly of equipment. The modern state of the art machines guarantee a high quality and competitively priced product. Having the production facilities within the VDL Groep enhances the important quality control and flexibility.

Excellent service, reliable delivery, quality and a high level of expertise are the key tot the worldwide success

Adres: Hoevenweg 1, 5652 AW Eindhoven
Telefoonnummer: 040 292 5500
Stad: Eindhoven
Route: Hoevenweg 1
Postcode: 5652 AW


Maandag: 08:30 - 17:00
Dinsdag: 08:30 - 17:00
Woensdag: 08:30 - 17:00
Donderdag: 08:30 - 17:00
Vrijdag: 08:30 - 17:00

op zoek naar gerelateerd: VDL Agrotech Login, VDL Fütterung, VDL Jansen
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Recensies, routebeschrijvingen en contactgegevens voor VDL Agrotech.

Eindhoven landbouwdiensten

openingstijden, locatie, vervoer. Hoevenweg 1 eindhoven agricultureel coöperatief kaart stadsplattegrond, satellietweergave. VDL Agrotech adres, telefoonnummer, straatzicht, postcode, hoe u zich verplaatst. Op deze pagina vindt u bedrijven die vergelijkbaar zijn met VDL Agrotech. Op deze website kunt u uw opmerkingen en ervaringen over VDL Agrotech delen met andere mensen.

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