
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Van Rappardhoeve

Van Rappardhoeve


Vertrouwd in vastgoed: Bouw- en projectmanagement


Proces- and Projectmanagement
Full proces- and projectmanagement during all phases of the construction and development proces. For instance:
· feasability studies;
· schedules of requirements;
· budget estimating and costmonitoring and control;
· project planning and monitoring;
· selection and contracting of advisors
· tendering of works;
· on-site supervision;
· defects liability work after acception.

Costmanagement is a service that runs across all activities.
Subjects in this service are:
· financial feasabilty checks;
· tender estimates and investment estimates;
· building cost estimation during design phase;
· financial advice on building costing;
· evaluation of tender quotations and management budget;
· evaluation and adjustment of contract variations.

Housing advice
· strategic planning for housing;
· advice on workplace concepts;
· opimization of workspace for office use;
· workspace research/usage analysis;
· design floor area plans;
· management of relocation, internal relocation en decoration.

Building consultancy
· evaluation of full building plans;
· evaluation of client investment estimates;
· evaluation of schedule of requirements;
· site surveys and location checks;
· evaluate quality of existing housing;
· due dilligence
· constructional and installational advice;
· evaluate design criterions;

Maintenance and property management
· quickscan and inspections of existing real estate;
· maintenance planning and estimation (short term/long term);
· maintenance advise on new build plans;
· tenedering of maintenance works;
· site survey and project management for maintenance works.

Facility management
· Organisation and management of property relocations
· advice on internal processes like security, cleaning, catering, maintenance)
· risk management (health);
· emergency plans

Adres: Ottersveen 453, 3205VE Spijkenisse
Telefoonnummer: 0031631010299
Stad: Spijkenisse
Route: Ottersveen 453
Postcode: 3205VE

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