
Recensies, contactgegevens voor University College Venlo

University College Venlo


University College Venlo is a Liberal Arts and Sciences College located and embedded in the hub for nutrition and logistics: Venlo.


Are you interested in one of the world’s major challenges: bringing healthy and safe food to the human population?

UCV is a three-year Liberal Arts and Sciences programme based in Venlo. The open curriculum allows you to design your own curriculum. This offers you the unique opportunity to discover your interests, develop your talents, and realize your academic ambitions.

Your Interests
At UCV you are free to design your own curriculum by choosing courses from a wide range of disciplines like: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Psychology, Law, and Economics. The courses offered at UCV all link to one of our main themes:

Food, Nutrition & Health
Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Your personal Academic Advisor helps you to discover your interests and talents, and to create a curriculum which meets our programme requirements.

Bachelor’s programme University College Venlo in Short
Design your own curriculum
Small-scale and personalized education
All courses taught in English
International Academic Community
Problem- and Research-Based Learning
Be part of a challenging new programme
Learn how to innovate and turn knowledge into marketable ideas
Partnerships with local businesses and universities of professional education in the region

Maastricht University Campus Venlo
Venlo is an entrepreneurial city in the Netherlands, about 80km north of Maastricht with approx. 3500 students. The region is a major European hub for agribusiness, health food innovation, logistics, and services: Greenport Venlo. Maastricht University currently offers a master’s programme on food innovation and one on supply chain management on the Maastricht University Campus Venlo. Your bachelor's degree of University College Venlo will provide a perfect preparation for these and other master’s programmes.

"Health, nutrition and business are the three main focus points at Campus Venlo. Research and educational topics range from food innovation and the psychology of eating to logistics optimisation. Next to this Campus Venlo offers three programmes of study: one bachelor's programme and two master's programmes."
Adres: Nassaustraat 36, 5911BV Venlo (gemeente)
Telefoonnummer: +31433883177
Stad: Venlo
Route: Nassaustraat 36
Postcode: 5911BV

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Maastricht University Campus Venlo, University college venlo admission requirements, University College Maastricht, Course catalogue UCV, University college venlo ranking, UCV academic calendar, Maastricht University education, Maastricht Venlo afstand
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Vertaald door Google Ik was student aan UCV venlo in het jaar 2019 en heb daar een paar maanden gestudeerd. Ik realiseerde me al snel dat de kwaliteit van het onderwijs erg laag is volgens mijn ervaring en verwachtingen. Vaak waren mijn professoren afwezig in de les en dat veroorzaakte veel problemen. Voor het geld dat ze in rekening brengen, hebben ze geen studiemateriaal van goede kwaliteit gegeven, geen beschikbare boeken voor alle studenten en de docenten zullen alleen een link geven zodat je pdf-bestanden kunt downloaden, vaak werkten die pdf's ook niet voor mij. Ze erkenden geen van mijn eerdere studies aan andere universiteiten erkende internationale universiteiten zonder goed uit te leggen waarom. Ze hebben ook vertraging opgelopen bij het onderzoeken van de examens en het verstrekken van cijfers. Leraren waren praktisch niet alleen in woorden ondersteunend. Leraren gaven me geen goed onderwijs, ze vroegen me alleen om na de sessies op de universiteit alleen te studeren. Over het algemeen zou ik het niet aanraden. Allen zeiden dat het mijn privéervaring was en helemaal niet bedoeld om de universiteit van Maastricht te schaden. Anderen hebben wellicht betere ervaringen. Origineel I was a student at UCV venlo in the year 2019 and studied there few months. Quickly realized that the quality of education is very low according to my experience and expectations. Often my professors would be absent from class and this would cause a lot of problems. For the money they charge they did not give good quality study material, no available books for all students and the teachers will only provide link so you download pdf files, often those pdf don't worked for me as well. They did not recognize any of my previous studies at other universities recognized international universities without proper explaining why. They also delayed in examing the exams and provide grades. Teachers were not supportive practically only in words. Teachers didn't provide me with a proper teaching only would ask me to study by myself after the sessions at uni. In general I would not recommend it. All said its my private experience and not meant to harm the university of maastricht at all. Others may have better experiences.
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