
Recensies, contactgegevens voor UNIFORM-Agri



UNIFORM-Agri supplies dairy farmers all over the world with the best Herd Management Software!


UNIFORM-Agri is Europe's largest dairy management software company with over 8000 users worldwide. We are allready more than 30 years in business. The company is built upon a highly educated team with certified computer skills and many of us come from a dairy background. Our aim is to provide you the best dairy management software you can get.

As specialists in recording and managing dairy farm data we have developed close working relationships with the leading milking parlour manufacturers, milk recording companies and other industry partners throughout the whole world. This enables dairy farmers to optimise their herds performance and importantly minimise data input!

"UNIFORM-Agri is an international company that develops, sells and supports management systems for dairy farmers all over the world. We are specialists in recording and managing dairy farm data and have developed close working relationships with the leading milking parlour manufacturers, milk recording companies and other industry partners worldwide. Our mission is to support dairy farmers and their suppliers worldwide with the best and most user-friendly software solutions that helps to build a profitable and sustainable business. This way our herd management software helps to produce food in a more efficient way, which is key to be able to feed the growing population."
Adres: Oostersingel 23, 9401 JZ Assen
Telefoonnummer: +31-592-394959
Stad: Assen
Route: Oostersingel 23
Postcode: 9401 JZ

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