
Recensies, contactgegevens voor TWOBILLIONEYES Foundation



We will provide the future Nobel Prize winner with glasses…today!
We need every person to create a better world. By improving the eye sight of more than 1 billion people, prosperity will increase and can reach more and more people in the world.


According to a World Health Organisation 2010 study, 246 million people have low or insufficient vision worldwide while over 500 million require reading glasses. 90% of the world's visually impaired live in developing countries. The study also calculated that the global loss due to poor eyesight is approximately $121.4 billion a year.

We believe every human being, irrespective of gender, race or nationality is a mine rich in gems of inestimable value waiting to be revealed and shared for the benefit of humanity. One of the greatest gifts we have as human beings is understanding. Our eyesight is a chief instrument whereby this understanding can function. By providing eyeglasses to the visually impaired in developing countries, we can help release enormous potential for these societies and for future generations.

TWOBILLIONEYES Foundation is registered in the Netherlands and collaborates with established NGOs, Optichange bv and social enterprises to assist with the production and distribution of eyeglasses. We select and train local people in developing countries to become ‘vision entrepreneurs’ who can perform proper eye-examinations and assemble the glasses individually.

Stad: Oegstgeest

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