
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Tuur Moens

Tuur Moens


Belgian jazz and world music drummer and composer living in Rotterdam (NL).
Drummer for Lura, Teus Nobel, Rogier Telderman, Munir Hossn, Anabela Aya,...

"Drummer, composer, producer, studio musician, coach.Most praised for his unique style and unerring consistency as a drummer, Tuur has developed a highly diversified artistic palette ranging from jazz and latin to African and Brazilian music. His love for traveling complemented with opportunities to perform live in various countries exposed him to different styles and rhythms which had lead to the development of his signature style and is part of the reason why the powerful, innovative and creative core of his music speaks perfectly to the demands of the new collective music. Tuur is a highly demanded session- and studio musician playing for artists like Teus Nobel, Jorge Pardo, Munir Hossn, Lura, Lucia Fumero and many more."
Adres: Keilestraat 3, 3029BP Rotterdam
Stad: Rotterdam
Route: Keilestraat 3
Postcode: 3029BP

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