
Recensies, contactgegevens voor True Doors

True Doors


True Doors are a simple idea done well. They are made-to-measure decals of doors that last years and bring a smile to your face.


true doors are for people who want to personalise the entrance to their room or apartment. They are doors you choose to create the feeling you want when coming home. They are the doors to your story; to the character that lives beyond the door.

You can select a true door from our extensive collection or use our well-being service to have a tailor-made true door made for you or a loved one.


"True Doors ® decals improve quality of life for seniors and people with special needs living in care facilities, contributing to person-centered care."
Telefoonnummer: 0647806714
Stad: Amsterdam

op zoek naar gerelateerd: true doors prijs, muurstickers voor dementerenden, true doors collection, deurstickers dementie, true doors dementia
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