
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Training Centre Holland

Training Centre Holland


Training Centre Holland verzorgt diverse professionele opleidingen specifiek gericht volgens de ARBO voorschriften. Indien u meer wilt weten over Training Centre Holland www.tch.nu


Training Centre Holland verzorgt diverse professionele opleidingen voor bedrijven welke werkzaam zijn in de logistiek, grond- , weg- en water-bouw, utiliteitsbouw, chemische en petrochemische industrie

Training Centre Holland is founded for education purposes crane drivers personal certificates for excavators wheelloaders etcetra also VCA certicates and BHV ( Company first AID)

Training Centre Holland (TCH) is located in Wouw, The Netherlands and enlisted at the “Kamer van Koophandel” te Breda (Chamber of Commerce at Breda) under the business register number 20151279.
It is our mission to improve the Safety in the Heavy Transport & lifting Industry.

The described lecture program of the Mini- Seminars and more extensive courses is only a guideline of subjects that will be lectured.

Depending on the wishes of the participants we reserve the right to deviate from this program.
The confirmation of the actual Seminars or extensive courses is subject to a sufficient level of participation.
In case of enrollment and subsequent seminar/course cancellation, the participation fee will be returned within four days after cancellation.

Training Centre Holland (TCH) is a consultancy service for the Heavy Lift- and Transport Industry, and organises amongst others Seminars and produces Multi Media Productions for the Heavy Lift and Transport branch.
A summary of activities and seminar programs which are organized by Training Centre Holland (TCH) as can be found on this website, has been composed with utmost care and is based on extensive experience in the Heavy Lift- & Transport Industry.

Adres: 4724CS Wouw
Telefoonnummer: +31165300524
Stad: Wouw
Postcode: 4724CS

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Wouw Performance Coaching, Afke van der Wouw, Stage sportpsychologie
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