
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Til-Aqua International

Til-Aqua International


Natural Male Tilapia Hatchery producing All Male Tilapia and the special YY broodstock without the use of hormones. Silver and Red NMT strains available.


Implementing new technologies for Tilapia aquaculture growth

The advantages - See also "Potential of Tilapia YY technology" (Global Aquaculture Advocate, 2014)
- No use of hormones during the production process of the YY-males
- No use of hormones in your production process
- Easy to use: stock your broodstock as usually
- Works ALWAYS in your farm: always > 95% males
- No risk of hormones in consumption fish
- No daily contact with hormones
- No environmental harm
- No ecological impact (masculinization of females (these phenotypically males are genetically still XX-female!)-->natural environment (restocking or escapees) --> production of only females in the natural environment)
- No decrease in fish resistance: testosterone weakens the fish defense system (See: Harris_and_Bird, 2000). The immune system isn't build up during the first weeks of fish life. Especially the protection by the skin (mucus) is lost and parasites have free access.

Adres: Zandstraat 86, 5712XZ Someren
Telefoonnummer: +31 6 33 35 85 51
Stad: Someren
Route: Zandstraat 86
Postcode: 5712XZ

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