
Recensies, contactgegevens voor The Patient Safety Company

The Patient Safety Company


The Patient Safety Company (TPSC) is an international supplier and producer of innovative Quality & Risk Management solutions for the healthcare industry.


TPSC Cloud™ for efficient care

Quality improvement and patient safety is a global concern in the world of healthcare. Today’s healthcare context is highly complex. Care processes are supplied in a pressurized and fast moving environment. Errors in the care’s process can result in injury and in the worst case, permanent damage.

Many organizations still have a paper-based process for reporting errors. This process is time consuming and doesn’t give real time insight in the actual situation. IT-solutions and the cloud are increasingly important for processes in the healthcare. The Patient Safety Company provides the latest software solution (based on cloud computing) while keeping costs to a minimum. Cloud computing fits all sizes of healthcare organizations. Interested in our cloud-based solution? Sign-up for free.

"The Patient Safety Company delivers an important contribution to the quality & safety of healthcare. We do so by providing an online quality & risk management platform to more than 500+ healthcare institutions Worldwide.The platform hosts custom cloud solutions for Incident Management, Complaints Management, Continuous quality improvement, Satisfaction surveys, and more!The different solutions on the platform together form a complete quality and risk management system tailored to the specific needs of your organization."
Adres: Comeniusstraat 5, 1817MS Alkmaar (gemeente)
Telefoonnummer: +31 72 8200 400
Stad: Alkmaar
Route: Comeniusstraat 5
Postcode: 1817MS


Maandag: 08:00 - 18:00
Dinsdag: 08:00 - 18:00
Woensdag: 08:00 - 18:00
Donderdag: 08:00 - 18:00
Vrijdag: 08:00 - 18:00

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Patient safety synonym, Patiëntveiligheid
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