
Recensies, contactgegevens voor The Gerard Noodt Foundation for Freedom of Religion or Belief

The Gerard Noodt Foundation for Freedom of Religion or Belief


A non-partisan, policy-relevant actor, stimulating research, NGO-cooperation, debate, & policy development in support of of religious freedom & belief.


A non-partisan, policy-relevant actor, stimulating research, NGO cooperation, debate, and policy development in support of the effective realization of freedom of religion or belief and matters of conscience.

We subscribe fully to existing standards on freedom of religion or belief in international human rights law, as developed by the United Nations, the Council of Europe, European Union Institutions, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and other relevant international organizations.

We recognize all Human Rights as inherent rights, not just because the law grants it, but because we are humans. Freedom of Conscience and Speech form the basis of protecting Human Rights. Wthout freedom of speech there is no democracy. Without freedom of consience there is no individual responsibility for action, no legal consequence of abuse, and there is rule of law. Without freedom of religions and other belief-organizations there are few who protect morality, the basis of socio-economic welfare. The Gerard Noodt Foundation of Freedom of Religion or Belief, therefore, works with Churches, Civil Society, Cults, non-believers, Activist Movements, Politicians, Governments and Inter-Governmental organizations, and all others who wish to uphold Human Rights, to sharpen the debate, all within the rule of law.
Our approach is international, interdisciplinary and consultative, and it favors practical relevance. To achieve its aims, we lend support to active entities with aims compatible with this mission.

Adres: Verdilaan 33,, 5384CH Heesch
Telefoonnummer: + 3 1 - 6 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 8
Stad: Heesch
Route: Verdilaan 33,
Postcode: 5384CH

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