
Recensies, contactgegevens voor The Frozen Butcher

The Frozen Butcher


... Make the best meat available for you!


Hello, we are The Frozen Butcher.
We strive to use only the best meat from all over the world. So we can make the best meat available for Sophie, for Oliver, for Fernando, for Chloe, for Lars. For You. For Everyone! We are craftsmen with a new approach. Wherever we find the perfect meat, we freeze it. Minus 35°C immediately! So it’s frozen in time…and fresh on your plate.

Being a butcher is a noble craft. And a challenging one when you only want the best meat from all over the world. But we have found a way. Our products (burgers, steaks and carpaccio) are quick-frozen in special freezers immediately after production. This way we don’t need to add artificial preservatives, coloring agents or other additives. And we can guarantee that in your freezer, the meat keeps its true butcher’s taste and quality until you prepare it. And that’s why we’re called The Frozen Butcher.

We. Freeze. Meat.

Adres: 2382 NW Zoeterwoude-Rijndijk
Telefoonnummer: +31 715815000
Stad: Zoeterwoude-Rijndijk
Postcode: 2382 NW

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