
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Teshura Styling Make-Up Academy

Teshura Styling Make-Up Academy


Professional makeup courses, workshops and master classes. Designed by Teshura Styling makeup techniques with the focus on diverse ethnic groups from 5 continents. Professional workshops on MUA, hairstyling, wig making, etc.


Hi, my name is Viola Sarkodee and I am the founder of Teshura Styling. Teshura Styling consists of a team of professionals who are dedicated to explore inner and outer beauty.

At the age of thirteen I discovered my passion for fashion and makeup. It was no surprise that my first job was a modeling job for fashion boutique The Box in Amsterdam. After working with many makeup artists on several projects I realized how unsatisfied I was with the end results, especially when it came to the look of my complexion. However I also noticed that it had become easier to do my own makeup. Which is why I decided to sign up for a Make-up course. During this course, I realized how little people actually knew about colored skin. Up until this day too little attention is being paid to the category of colored skin. It is time for change.

For the past ten years it has been my mission to bring about this change.

Teshura means gift and is a gift for us all. It is my goal to share my knowledge and inspire future Make-up Artists to look past conventional beauty standards and be open to discover the world of Make-up Artistry. I believe that through makeup a person’s inner beauty can be brought to the surface and be given a physical form.

Over the years I have built a large clientele, consisting of people who have put their trust in me, time and time again, during the most important moments of their lives. My task has always been to bring out their inner beauty while using the best makeup techniques at my disposal.

Onze taak

As citizens of the world we reflect a distinctive range of beauty types.
The Teshura Styling Make-up Academy is all about diversity and moving beyond imposed beauty standards to embrace and celebrate individuality.
At The Teshura Styling Make-up Academy we believe that make-up and hair is all about self-expression. Throughout our professional careers, we have mastered to bring inner beauty to the forefront of each and every client.
The Teshura make-up course is focused on 5 representations of beauty: African, Asian, European, South American and Middle East. The academy sets high standards to make-up artistry therefor creating a professional, open minded and unique learning experience for every student.
The academy is open to all who believe that Make-up Artistry is an art form and should not be focused on solely one ethnicity.
Teshura means gift and is a gift for us all. It is our goal to share our knowledge and inspire the Make-up Industry and Make-up Artists to look past conventional beauty standards and be open to discover the world of Make-up Artistry.


Professional Makeup Course
Makeup Workshops
MUA Fashion Avantgarde Master Classes
Hair Styling Workshops
Hair Design Master Classes

Adres: Provincialeweg 302, Koog aan de Zaan
Telefoonnummer: +31 683 452 555
Stad: Koog aan de Zaan
Route: Provincialeweg 302

Nabijgelegen soortgelijke bedrijven
Drumschool Carel Vrieling Drumschool Carel Vrieling 379 meter Superleraar. Humor, goed lesgeven, geduldig en kwalitatief goed.
Een zeer servicegerichte faciliteit van een haarprofessional voor mensen van stijl. De studio is prachtig ingericht en gedecoreerd. Het is gespecialiseerd in huidmode voor mensen van kleur.....een als het goed is in Nederland. Het is ook een school die studenten onderwijst in de verzorging van de huid...vooral voor mensen van kleur. Leuke plek om te zijn.
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