
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Tecla



Adventure and exploring with the Tecla. Sailing to Scotland and Iceland. Join us for a week or for three weeks, no experience needed! www.tecla-sailing.com


The Tecla has a world wide sailing area. Once build as a herring drifter in 1915. Now a sailing vessel that takes you for an adventure. No sailing experience needed. The permanent crew of 4 will show you how to sail her and an together with max. 16 voyage crew, you will take the helm, steer the ship, set the sails and explore your surroundings.

Onze taak

Exploring the world together with you! Sail beyond your dreams!

Adres: Scheidersweg to 6, 1731 LX Winkel (Noord-Holland)
Telefoonnummer: +31 6 422 13951
Stad: Winkel
Route: Scheidersweg to 6
Postcode: 1731 LX

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