
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Tall Ship Wylde Swan

Tall Ship Wylde Swan


Atlantic crossings & Masterskip education project, Scotland Island cruises, Receptions up-to 130 guests



The hull of Wylde Swan started life as a 'herring hunter' in the 1920's, working off the Shetland Islands – a ship built for speed, ferrying the fresh catch from fishing grounds to the markets ashore. The Jemo, as she was originaly called, was originally built by HDW in Kiel. The ship was decommissioned sometime in the late 20th century and had changed ownership several times before Willem Slighting saw in her underwater ship the makings of a fast sailing ship.

Her sleek underwater hull is now part of a rugged sailing ship, reminiscent of the large schooner yachts of the 1900 era. She was relaunched in June 2010 as world's largest two mast topsail schooner, with worldwide certification as a sail training vessel.

Wylde Swan combines the majesty and tactics of the largest tall ships with the sailing characteristics and raw excitement normally only found on much smaller yachts.
At sea Wylde Swan offers sail training and teambuilding to people of all ages. In port Wylde Swan transforms into a handsome location for corporate hospitality.

General information:
Length over all 62 m
Certification world wide
Trainees 36 persons
Day trips 120 guests
Receptions 140 guests

Adres: Achterdijkje 8, 8754 EP Makkum
Telefoonnummer: +31 (0)515 231 712
Stad: Makkum
Route: Achterdijkje 8
Postcode: 8754 EP

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