
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Surhuisterveen


Surhuisterveen is one of the 12 villages of the municipality of Achtkarspelen, in the province of Friesland, the Netherlands. As of 1 January 2010, Surhuisterveen had a population of 5,865.General informationSurhuisterveen began to develop at the end of the 16th century as peat-diggers and boatmen built their homes in the area. The name Surhuisterveen refers to the time of the peat-colonies, and means "the peat-bogs of Surhuizum". Surhuizum is another constituent village of Achtkarspelen, which is significantly smaller, but also significantly older than Surhuisterveen. Nowadays, Surhuisterveen serves a regional function.The Centrumcross Surhuisterveen is a cyclo-cross event organized in the village. There is a restored windmill in the village, Koartwâld. The source of the Lauwers river, as a small stream, is located southeast of the village.

Adres: Surhuisterveen
Stad: Surhuisterveen

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