SUPERREBEL KIDSGEAR. The Brave Brand for Kids. A Division of BrandWorks and SUPERREBEL. For media and distributor enquiries contact Lodewijk Varossieau, CEO at SUPERREBEL. Mail:
Nobody beats a SUPERREBEL. In 2015 we created the iconic SUPERREBEL KidsGear brand as a collaboration between SUPERREBEL and the Brand Works company. A sports and street couture brand designed for rebellious kids.
Since we started SUPERREBEL KidsGear has become internationally known for quality, style and bravery. And especially for our attitude. We simply want to be the best. In order to protect our identity, we only work with designers and photographers who are the bravest of the brave. Even our materials couldn’t be more SUPERREBEL-ious. We combine special fabrics with high-tech innovative materials. Our clothing and accessories are heavily inspired by sports and street culture. You can easily mix and match our basics, sports and fashion collections to create your style. That’s what makes us the ultimate brand for cool kids who already know what they want. We’re not a fashion brand, but a fashion statement. That’s why we believe in selective distribution. So you won’t find SUPERREBEL on every street corner. Sorry, not sorry. #BEBRAVE
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