
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Summer Festival of Love

Summer Festival of Love


This is our fifth Summer Festival of Love from July 22nd until 29th 2017. This 8 day event has the atmosphere of a festival and the depth of a retreat.


Welcome to our fifth Summer Festival of Love from July 22nd until 29th 2017.

This 8 day summer event has the atmosphere of a festival and the depth of a retreat. Find all the detailed information on our website

This year with the theme "Return to Eros - Living The Erotic Life"

Meet spiritual artist and visionary Dr. Marc Mordechai Gafni as he transmits this stunning dharma in the morning teachings. An awesome cast of skilled and experienced teachers and leaders, will offer workshops and classes so you can embody, integrate and deepen everything that is offered in the Mystery School of Love.

The evenings are for play, dance and some challenging playful settings. And of course also to hang out together at our atmospheric lounge bar.

The Summer Festival has the atmosphere of an international festival and the depth of a retreat. Besides the fantastic theme and integrative workshops on the theme, there is music, dance, you can get a great massage, have a somatic session or take a walk with new or old friends through the pristine woods around Meeuwenveen in Havelte!

We are ready for YOU!!!

Adres: Meeuwenveenweg 1-3, 7971 PK Havelte
Stad: Havelte
Route: Meeuwenveenweg 1-3
Postcode: 7971 PK

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