
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Studio Mosquito

Studio Mosquito


Dutch animation- and illustrationstudio that mainly focusses on 2D.


Studio Mosquito is a small Dutch animationstudio, specialised in 2D animation and illustration.
Together with recognizability, a characteristic style, and humour we give great value to a willful approach to our work, as well in our independent films as in our commissioned work.
Furthermore we like to think about animation as a way of communicating. It's purpose should be presenting an idea, concept or message to its audience. Animation is for that matter always a tool, and never a purpose for itself. That's why we love to think with clients about what THEIR story could be: what do THEY want to communicate? And in what way could this story be told best?

Studio Mosquitos clients:
il Luster Productions, NTR, NFB/ONF, PDC Nederland, Poetry International, Darty, Flathouse, Fishbone Productions, a.o.

Stad: Nieuwkuijk

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