
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Stroom Den Haag

Stroom Den Haag


Stroom Den Haag is an art center with a wide range of activities. The program focuses on the urban environment. http://www.stroom.nl


Stroom Den Haag is an art center with a wide range of activities. Starting from the visual arts, architecture, urban planning and design the program focuses on the urban environment.

Stroom's policy is not committed to any particular movement. The centre is open to everyone with stimulating ideas or a need for information regarding art and the urban environment. It aims at being a hospitable and stimulating platform. Starting from this mentality Stroom, in collaboration with other institutions, wants to contribute to the permanent development of the reflection on the city and the part that can be played by the visual arts in this context.

Stroom organizes exhibitions, projects, lectures, workshops and excursions. It initiates research and debates to stimulate the transfer of knowledge and the development of ideas concerning art, architecture and related disciplines. Within this context Stroom expands its library and issues publications. In addition, Stroom's policy is focused on stimulating the art climate of The Hague and improving the visibility of art and artists from The Hague.

The topic of ‘being public' is the connecting factor between many of Stroom's activities. Stroom mediates, advises and offers suggestions to artists and supports a large number of projects in public space.

The name Stroom was chosen because it stands for energy and movement.

Stroom Den Haag is supported financially by the city of The Hague. The program is also made possible by the Mondriaan Fund.

Office: Monday to Friday, 11:00 am - 5 pm
Exhibition space: Wednesday to Sunday, 12:00 noon - 5 pm
Library: Wednesday to Sunday, 12:00 noon - 5 pm (during the installation of a new show, the library is closed in the weekend).

Stroom Den Haag is closed on January 1, Easter Sunday, Pentecost Sunday and the first day of Christmas (December 25).

Stroom Den Haag is accessible for people in wheelchairs.

"Stroom Den Haag founded in 1990 is an art center with a wide range of activities. Starting from the visual arts, architecture, urban planning and design the program focuses on the urban environment. Stroom's policy is not committed to any particular movement. The centre is open to everyone with stimulating ideas or a need for information regarding art and the urban environment. It aims at being a hospitable and stimulating platform. Starting from this mentality Stroom, in collaboration with other institutions, wants to contribute to the permanent development of the reflection on the city and the part that can be played by the visual arts in this context."
Adres: Hogewal 1-9, 2514 HA Den Haag
Telefoonnummer: 070-3658985
Stad: The Hague
Route: Hogewal 1-9
Postcode: 2514 HA


Maandag: 11:00 - 17:00
Dinsdag: 11:00 - 17:00
Woensdag: 11:00 - 17:00
Donderdag: 11:00 - 17:00
Vrijdag: 11:00 - 17:00
Zaterdag: 12:00 - 17:00
Zondag: 12:00 - 17:00

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Het kloppend kunsthart van Den Haag. Naast een kleine expositieruimte allerlei andere manieren waarop de kunst in Den Haag wordt ondersteund. Personeel zeer vriendelijk. Gratis toegang zonder afspraak.
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