
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Strijen


Strijen is a town and municipality in the western Netherlands, in the province of South Holland. The municipality, covering an area of of which is water, is located on the Hoeksche Waard island along the Hollands Diep estuary.Strijen hosts a public library, swimming pool, a small shopping centre and a local museum.Furthermore, Strijen is home to an important and welcome resting stop for migrating birds, especially geese. During winter, the endangered Eurasian spoonbill uses this area as a foraging ground.The municipality of Strijen also includes the population centres of Cillaarshoek, De Klem, Mookhoek, Oudendijk, and Strijensas.

Adres: 3290–3293 Strijen
Stad: Strijen
Postcode: 3290–3293

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