
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Sterrin's Wild World

Sterrin's Wild World


Wildlife, Nature, Reptiles, Herpetology, Science, Education, Presenting.
I'm an ecologist and herpetologist with a passion for wildlife and sharing my love for animals.


I study Forest and Nature Conservation at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. My particular interest goes out to Resource Ecology and Animal Ecology.

My passion in life is to educate people about creatures that most people hate. Especially reptiles suffer from general ignorance. I think people should learn more about these animals so that more research will be carried out and more effort will be put in conserving them. It is a shame that so little people see the extraordinary features that these animals possess not only in terms of beauty but also in terms of venom to create medicine for people and the crucial role they fulfill in countless ecosystems all over the earth.

My partner Romilly van den Bergh owns a business called Game of Cobras and together we breed various snake species in order to reduce the need to import them from the wild and also to sell awesome animals to our customers.

So this page is used to post photos and videos of the awesome life I live studying at a fantastic university, sharing my passion with people and changing people's heart and of my work with venomous snakes at Game of Cobras.

I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to message me if you have any questions, I always try to answer within a day.

Adres: Rijssen
Telefoonnummer: +31646748431
Stad: Rijssen

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