
Recensies, contactgegevens voor St James Voorschoten

St James Voorschoten


The public Facebook page for St James Voorschoten. For active members there is also a closed group: St James Church Family.


We are a vibrant international English-speaking Anglican church serving the Leiden area, offering a spiritual home to people of all ages and from all over the world.

We are rooted in the generous orthodoxy of the Anglican tradition, but people from many other Christian denominations have also found their spiritual home with us.

​Our main Sunday service is usually held at 10.30am at the BSN (British School in The Netherlands) Senior School in Voorschoten. However, sometimes the school is unavailable and we relocate to an alternative venue. Please keep an eye on this page for up to date information.

We belong to the Diocese in Europe in the Church of England, and our patron is the Intercontinental Church Society.

"A vibrant international English-speaking Anglican church serving the Leiden area, offering a spiritual home to people of all ages and from all over the world"
Stad: Voorschoten

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Ruan Crew
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LOUD LOUD 4 km Welkom op de pagina van LOUD. Wij zijn de jeugdgroep van GODcentre in Leiden. Like de...
Vertaald door Google Wat een mooie, warme, uitnodigende en gastvrije kerk is dit. Ik hield van de lage kerkdienst met goede bijbelse prediking. Origineel What a lovely, warm, inviting and welcoming Church this is. I loved the low Church service with good biblical preaching.
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