
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Sr. Maria Teresa of the Most Holy Trinity - Passion Flower of Carmel DCJ

Sr. Maria Teresa of the Most Holy Trinity - Passion Flower of Carmel DCJ


The official Facebook page dedicated to promote the cause of beatification of Sr. M. Teresa of the Most Holy Trinity, Passion Flower of Carmel DCJ


Biography of Sr. Mary Therese of the Holy Trinity - a small passion flower - also known as Therese Ysseldijk

Sr. Mary Therese was born on November 13, 1897 in Apeldoorn, Holland, from good and Christian parents, as the eldest of five children of Gerhardus Ysseldijk and Johanna Scholten. In baptism, she received the name Therese which she maintained even after her profession in the convent.

When Sr. Therese was still a child, her mother had recourse to Saint Anthony of Padua when she had a serious eye disease. One day, she went to church for this intention and earnestly implored the powerful help of this dear saint, and, consoled, she returned home. Her first glance immediately fell on the small Therese in the cradle, and what she saw instead of the diseased eyes? Two beautiful and clear ones. Saint Anthony had intervened.

Little Therese was always sickly and almost always had sores on her body. Already in her youth, she began to mortify herself and stood silently for her love of God, the small taunts which she had to suffer from those around her; usually it was said to her: “ah, maybe you want to go into a convent”.
A great suffering came upon the death of her beloved father as a result of an accident at work when Therese was only 9 years old. After the time of mourning, her mother remarried and other 4 children were born. The family then lived in Enschede.

The Divine Savior had chosen this beautiful and pure soul for Himself and watched over her up to when the day came to plant the seedling in the beloved Carmel of His Divine Heart where she was to blossom as a beautiful passion flower. –

There came, however, a great difficulty from her second father that, under no condition, wanted to let her go. In addition, doubts arose in her because of her poor health. Therese submitted everything to the decision of her confessor, who said to her, to place the cause into the loving hands of God. This will become the sign for her that it is the holy will of God that she is called to the religious life, if her father gives her permission out of his own free will.

After some time, the father found himself to be with one of their neighbors and they were talking about their children, the talk came also to a point about Therese, her father said that she wanted to go into a convent, but according to him as long as he lived, she will not go. So the other (neighbor) told him, “No, I would not do it like this, if one of my children wanted to go, I'll let them go now.” When the father came home, he told her: Therese, if you still want to go into a convent, go! Now the joy was great, the doctor issued a positive medical certificate. During that year her sores were healed.

She entered on October 2, 1917 at the Carmel of the Divine Heart in Tilburg, where she also made her novitiate. It was already in the novitiate that her kidney disease began. After the novitiate, in 1919, that she came to America in various houses founded by the same founder who was also at that time in America. The passion of Sr. Mary Therese began shortly after her arrival in the New World. She was in bed for six (6) weeks without being able to move, and when her condition improved a little bit, she went to the hospital in Milwaukee, but they did not find anything that caused her suffering.
Sr. Therese came to St. Charles in October of 1921. After some time, when it was re-established in such a way for her to already work, she also wanted to do some chores that were not lacking in the new foundation. So much so, that she took care of the nun’s kitchen and faithfully fulfilled it, she felt so happy to be working again. Often, the other nuns realized how she twisted her mouth in pain and clenched her teeth, then when she realizes that someone had seen her, she’ll laugh again as if it was nothing. She did not want to leave her office (in the kitchen).

With Jesus on Calvary

Six weeks before Christmas of 1922, she again became seriously ill and the doctor diagnosed that her kidneys were affected and she had tuberculosis. After Christmas, she had to go to St. Louis to take the exams. The doctor declared that one of her kidneys was already completely full of pus, it can no longer work and also the other kidney is already infected. On 6 March 1923, she was admitted to hospital of St. Charles, and was operated on, a kidney was taken from her. It was a very difficult surgery. The diseased kidney was composed only of a mass of pus. The nurse then said that Sr. Mary Therese had already suffered enough for Heaven, but everyone, especially the doctors were amazed of such a kidney and everyone who came had to see the diseased kidney. In addition, one of the nuns said that when Sr. Therese received the chloroform and before becoming unconscious, was continually exclaiming the name of Jesus, and again even after the surgery, so that it was jokingly said, “well, certainly, she is Teresa of Jesus”.
She remained for six weeks in the hospital. Her silent suffering and patience edified everyone who saw her. Even the doctors expressed their admiration for her great patience and silent serenity.

Afterwards, Sr. Therese improved a bit, but then had to suffer severe pains for a long time and had many sleepless nights. A nurse from the hospital said, “it wouldn’t be a surprise, if one day, we find Sr. Therese already dead in bed”. In the summer, the pain subsided a little bit and she began to do some work again. Beginning in May 1925, she came one day to the superior saying, "Now I cannot go on, I was sitting on top of the ladder and could not continue with fatigue (polishing off the dust) when it seemed to me that someone said to me: just a little more time. This gave me so much strength that I could finish (dusting off) the whole staircase." The Mother Superior replied, "Well, from now on, do not touch (or do) anything anymore. If you can, do only some minor manual chores (like needlework)".
The doctor came and said that, “At most, she would have four (4) weeks to live. Her strength declined visibly. As her cell was very hot during that time, she spent most of the day sitting or reclining down in the garden of the cloister. As long as she was able to do it, Sr. Therese did odd manual jobs (needlework), often until the needle fell from her hand. When summer was ending, she could no longer come into the garden, however, she came every day for Holy Communion. Until 15 October she came herself to receive the Sacred Host. On the feast of the Mother Teresa (of Avila) she was so weak that she was only just up and down the ladder. Since then the priest came and brought her Holy Communion.

Sr. Therese did not only bear painful sufferings externally from the outside, even interior sufferings from within were also not lacking. Sr. Mary Therese had a great love for St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. On the occasion of the celebration of her canonization, May 17, 1925, the sisters had a prayer of 9 days for Sr. Mary Therese in the hope that, on that day, she would suddenly be healed. In the afternoon, the superior said to her: "Go into the chapel to pray before her image, maybe she will eventually heal you." After some time she returned and said: "I seemed to have heard from her that I will not be cured, I would only live for a short time, but I must also suffer a lot."

On February 1926, the state of her health deteriorated in such a way that she needed support day and night, but then almost all the older people being assisted in that house became also ill and, moreover, even her superior, and so they were forced to take her to the hospital on March 6, 1926. Sr. Therese said: "This is the ultimate sacrifice that the Good Lord calls me."

On March 10, a phone call came from the hospital because Sr. Therese was very ill. Immediately two nuns went there and arrived at about 2 o’clock in the morning, she rejoiced very much to see once more her dear sisters. They lit the candle of death and put the scapular on her shoulders , and for the last time, she renewed her holy vows , after which the sisters recited the prayers for the dying for her and she repeated every word with the little voice that she had because was very weak . About an hour before her death, Sr. Therese said: "O, now I feel really bad". After few moments she said very briskly, "What will happen today?" To this her Mother Superior said: "The Good Savior will come and also bring you today in Heaven." Her voice was becoming increasingly weak, and several times she took a long look at the sisters who were reciting the prayers for the dying. At exactly five (5) minutes before 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Wednesday, March 10, she died so peacefully and quietly as a baby falls asleep on her mother's arm. The nurse said, "You rarely see someone die in that way." Then the sisters of the hospital came to see her, saying: the nun looks like a saint”. After her death, there was no mourning in the house; on the contrary, they all felt a special joy and inner happiness for several weeks.

Died in odor of sanctity

The Blessed Foundress, Mother Maria Teresa of St. Joseph, encouraged the sisters to invoke Sr. Therese in their needs, and soon there were miracles of healing that occurred. The Foundress also commissioned for printing in the same year of her death holy pictures / stampitas in different languages and to draw up a biography in German, English and Dutch. In 2010, the cause of her beatification was introduced in the diocese of Roermond, the Netherlands. We are convinced that she can be a powerful intercessor at the throne of God for the people of today, especially for the sick and the suffering.

Sr. Mary Therese of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for us!

Adres: Kollenberg 2, Sittard
Stad: Sittard
Route: Kollenberg 2

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