
Recensies, contactgegevens voor South Explorer

South Explorer


During South Explorer many cultural hotspots, like galleries, studio's, workshops, open their doors during one weekend with a challenging program.


Cultural hotspots, temporary locations, galleries, artist studios, and art shops open their doors simultaneously offering a various and challenging program. Scroll and Swipe through the South: cross Erasmus bridge to Afrikaanderwijk, Tarwewijk, Feyenoord and Charlois. Or the other way around bij passing Maastunnel first. Locations are open both days from 13.00 to 18.00 hr, some on one of the days or only during an event. Check the timetable and the info of each location to be sure. On the website www.southexplorer.nl you can find more and actual information of each location.

Adres: Rotterdam
Stad: Rotterdam

op zoek naar gerelateerd: South Explorer 2023, Kunstroute Charlois, Katendrechtse Lagedijk 450, Galerie Charlois
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Recensies, routebeschrijvingen en contactgegevens voor South Explorer.

Rotterdam kunst

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