
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Sipke Woudstra

Sipke Woudstra


Bringing artisanship, technology, creativity and knowledge into the art of live audio/studio engineering.
Kvk-nummer: 61747939


Bringing artisanship, technology, creativity and knowledge into the art of live audio/studio engineering. Being the link between an creative abstract product and technology, a transition which happens all the time in recording and amplifying music. Because this transition is a difficult process, a person is needed which merges the world of creativity and technology. Someone who translates a creative idea or product, like a song, into a technical product or solution, like a recording. This person is who I want to be. Not fully a technician, not fully a musician but someone who speaks both languages.

Latest Mix: https://youtu.be/bp8V9ey25D0

Adres: Havenkant 50, 8256 CW Biddinghuizen
Telefoonnummer: 0629380393
Stad: Biddinghuizen
Route: Havenkant 50
Postcode: 8256 CW

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