
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Sig Lonegren

Sig Lonegren


This page is to celebrate the work of Sig Lonegren, Geomancer, author and labyrinth worker, dowser, sacred space designer, geomantic space-clearer. www.geomancy.org - www.avalon.co.nl


Sig Lonegren has been a practising Geomancer for over 40 years. He has a Master's Degree in the study of Sacred Space, is a past trustee of the American Society of Dowsers, and the New England Antiquities Research Association, a life Honorary Vice President of the British Society of Dowsers, an ordained Spiritualist Minister, and a Founding member of the labyrinth society, past trustee of the Chalice Well and Gardens in Glastonbury. He now lives in the Netherlands since 2015 with his wife Karin and he is still working with and interested in all thing geomantically!

Adres: Koekangerveldweg 66, 1601 KZ Enkhuizen
Stad: Enkhuizen
Route: Koekangerveldweg 66
Postcode: 1601 KZ

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