
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Shipbuilder



Shipbuilder is a pioneering ICT company. Integrating all data related to a project, Shipbuilder is a game changer for the maritime industry.


Shipbuilder is a pioneering ICT company and the developer of the intelligent online Shipbuilder platform. Integrating all data related to a project, Shipbuilder is a game changer for the maritime industry. It enables users to easily and efficiently specify, design, build and maintain all types of vessel. The Shipbuilder platform is unique in the maritime sector for the way it provides insight into all the required data in an integrated environment, and a trendsetter in the field of data management. It applies the smartest IT technologies within the maritime industry in an optimal, well-structured way by replacing separate files and excess e-mails with a knowledge bank that can be used during the entire lifespan of a maritime project. The Shipbuilder team has over 20 years of hands-on experience in the maritime sector, combined with a very clear vision for the future.

Adres: Rivièrelaan 1, 4731CS Oudenbosch
Telefoonnummer: +31885002500
Stad: Oudenbosch
Route: Rivièrelaan 1
Postcode: 4731CS

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